Navodilo za uporabo PHILIPS HP6493

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Manual Povzetek: navodila za uporabo PHILIPS HP6493

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[. . . ] Vzemitesicasinpreberitetauporabniski prirocnik, predenmonitorzacneteuporabljati. Vsebuje pomembne informacije in podatke o upravljanju vasega monitorja. To Philipsovo jamstvo velja pod pogojem, da z izdelkom ravnate njegovi namembnosti primerno, v skladu z uporabniskimi navodili inobpredlozitvioriginalnegaracunaali potrdilaoplacilu, nakateremsonavedeni datum nakupa, ime trgovca in modela ter produkcijska stevilka izdelka. · · jeodobrenodPhilips. Cenapajalnikabel manjka, seprosimopovezitezvasimlokalnim servisom. (Obrnite se na splosne informacije zapomocinpodporostrankam/potrosnikom) M ed delovanjem monitorja ne izpostavljajte raznim vibracijam ali pogojem v katerih bi se zadeval ob druge predmete. [. . . ] Important parameters are: · Light levels without color tint, Uniform color and luminance, Wide color gamut · · Calibrated color temperature and gamma curve Wideluminancelevel, Darkblacklevels, Low motion blur Electrical Safety · Productfulfillsrigoroussafetystandards Emissions · Low alternating electric and magnetic fieldsemissions · Low acoustic noise emissions Some of the Environmental features of theTCODisplays5. 0requirements: · The brand owner demonstrates corporate socialresponsibilityandhasacertified environmental management system (EMASorISO14001) · Very low energy consumption both in onand standby mode · Restrictions on chlorinated and brominatedflameretardants, plasticizer and polymers · Restrictions on heavy metals such as cadmium, mercuryandlead(RoHS compliance) EPEAT (www. epeat. net) "The EPEAT (Electronic Product EnvironmentalAssessmentTool) program evaluates computer desktops, laptops, and monitors based on 51 environmental criteria developedthroughanextensivestakeholder consensus process supported by US EPA. EPEAT system helps purchasers in the public and private sectors evaluate, compare and select desktop computers, notebooks and monitors based on their environmental attributes. EPEAT also provides a clear and consistent set of performance criteria for the design of products, and provides an opportunity for manufacturers to secure market recognition for efforts to reduce the environmental impact of its products. " 33 Benefits of EPEAT Reduce use of primary materials Reduceuseoftoxicmaterials Avoid the disposal of hazardous waste EPEAT'S requirement that all registered products meet ENERGY STAR's energy efficiency specifications, means that these products will consume less energy throughout their life. CEDeclarationofConformity This product is in conformity with the following standards · EN60950-1:2006 (Safety requirement of InformationTechnologyEquipment) · EN55022:2006(RadioDisturbance requirement of Information Technology Equipment) · EN55024:1998+A1:2001+A2:2003 (Immunity requirement of Information TechnologyEquipment) · EN61000-3-2:2006(LimitsforHarmonic CurrentEmission) · EN61000-3-3:1995+A1:2001+A2:2005 (Limitation of Voltage Fluctuation and Flicker)followingprovisionsofdirectives applicable · 2006/95/EC(LowVoltageDirective) · 2004/108/EC(EMCDirective) · 2005/32/EC(EuPDirective, ECNo. 1275/2008mplementingDirective for Standby and Off mode power consumption)andisproducedbya manufacturing organization on ISO9000 level. The product also comply with the following standards · ISO9241-307:2008 (Ergonomic requirement, Analysis and compliance test methods for electronic visual displays) · GS EK1-2000:2009 (GS mark requirement) · prEN50279:1998 (Low Frequency ElectricandMagneticfieldsforVisual Display) · · MPR-II (MPR:1990:8/1990:10 Low FrequencyElectricandMagneticfields) TCODisplays5. 0(Requirementfor Environment Labeling of Ergonomics, Energy, Ecology and Emission, TCO: Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees)forTCOversions EnergyStarDeclaration (www. energystar. gov) This monitor is equipped with a function for saving energy which supports the VESADisplayPowerManagement(DPM) standard. This means that the monitor must be connected to a computer which supports VESADPM. Timesettingsareadjustedfrom the system unit by software. VESA State Normal operation Power Saving Alternative 2 One step ON(Active) Sleep(typ. ) Switch Off LEDIndicator White White Blinking Off Power Consumption 34. 8W(typ. ) 0. 8W 0. 5W As an ENERGY STAR® Partner, we have determined that this product meets the ENERGY STAR® guidelines for energy efficiency. Note We recommend you switch off the monitor when it is not in use for a long time. 34 Federal Communications Commission (FCC)Notice(U. S. Only) This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, thereisnoguaranteethat interference will not occur in a particular installation. BSMINotice(TaiwanOnly) 37 ErgonomieHinweis(nurDeutschland) DervonunsgelieferteFarbmonitor entsprichtdeninder"Verordnungüberden SchutzvorSchädendurchRöntgenstrahlen" festgelegten Vorschriften. China RoHS The People's Republic of China released aregulationcalled"ManagementMethods for Controlling Pollution by Electronic InformationProducts"orcommonlyreferred toasChinaRoHS. Allproductsincluding AufderRückwanddesGerätesbefindetsich CRTandLCDmonitorwhichareproduced and sold for China market have to meet ein Aufkleber, der auf die Unbedenklichkeit ChinaRoHSrequest. der Inbetriebnahme hinweist, da die VorschriftenüberdieBauartvon StörstrahlernnachAnlageIII¤5Abs. 4der Röntgenverordnungerfülltsind. DamitIhrMonitorimmerdeninder Zulassung geforderten Werten entspricht, ist darauf zu achten, daß 1. Reparaturen nur durch Fachpersonal durchgeführtwerden. nur original-Ersatzteile verwendet werden. bei Ersatz der Bildröhre nur eine bauartgleiche eingebaut wird. A u s e r g o n o m i s c h e n G r ü n d e n w i r d empfohlen, die Grundfarben Blau und Rot nicht auf dunklem Untergrund zu verwenden (schlechte Lesbarkeit und erhöhte Augenbelastung bei zu geringem ZeichenkontrastwärendieFolge). DerarbeitsplatzbezogeneSchalldruckpegel nach DIN 45 635 beträgt 70dB (A) oder weniger. ACHTUNG:BEIMAUFSTELLEN DIESESGERÄTESDARAUF ACHTEN, DAßNETZSTECKERUND NETZKABELANSCHLUßLEICHT ZUGÄNGLICHSIND. (), , 38 6Podporauporabnikomin garancija Pomocuporabnikom&Garancija PhilipsovagarancijaF1rstChoice Hvala, kersteseodlocilizanakupmonitorja Philips. Vsi monitorji Philips so izdelani po visokih standardih in jih IZBERITEDRZAVO/PODROCJEZAOGLED odlikujejo visokokakovostno PODROBNOSTIOOBSEGUGARANCIJE delovanje, enostavna uporaba in namestitev. Vprimerutezavprinamestitviali ZAHODNAEVROPA uporabi tega izdelka se obrnite direktno na Avstrija/Belgija/Danska/Francija/ Philipsovuradzapomocintakoizkoristite Nemcija/Grcija/Finska/Irska/Italija/ prednosti Philipsove garancije F1rst Choice. Luksemburg / Nizozemska / Norveska / S triletno servisno garancijo imate pravico do Portugalska / Svedska / Svica / Spanija / zamenjave pomanjkljivega ali okvarjenega Velika Britanija / Poljska monitorja na mestu. Philips monitor zamenja v roku 48 od prejema vasega klica. [. . . ] Odg. :Da, barvnenastavitvelahko spreminjatespomocjozaslonskega prikaza(OSD)ponaslednjih postopkih: · Pritisnite"OK(Vredu)"zaprikaz zaslonskegamenija(meniOSD-On ScreenDisplay) · Pritisnite"DownArrow(Puscico navzdol)"inizberitemoznost"Color (Barva)". Natopritisnite"OK(Vredu)" za vnos nastavitve barve ­ obstajajo tri nastavitve, kot sledi v nadaljevanju. Color Temperature (Barvna temperatura);navoljojesest nastavitev, in sicer 5000K, 6500K, 7500K, 8200K, 9300K in 11500K. Cesonastavitveblizje5000K, zaslonizgleda`toplejsi', zrdecebelo barvno lestvico, medtem ko temperatura 11500K odseva `hladen, modro-bel ton'. Svarilo: Meritev barve svetlobe, ki jo odseva predmet, ko ga segrevamo. Ta meritev jeizrazenazabsolutnolestvico(Kelvin). [. . . ]


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