Lastmanuals ponuja vsem možnost izmenjave, shranjevanja in iskanja med navodili povezanimi z softverom in hardverom: user guide, ownerćs manual, quick start guide, technical datasheetes… NE POZABITE : VEDNO PREBERITE UPORABNIŠKA NAVODILA PRED NAKUPOM !!!
Če se ta dokument ujema z navodilom ali shemo ki jo iščete, si ga prenesite zdaj. Lastmanuals vam omogoča hiter in preprost dostop do navodil HP OFFICEJET 4350 ALL-IN-ONE. Upamo da vam bo to HP OFFICEJET 4350 ALL-IN-ONE navodilo uporabno.
Lastmanuals vam pomaga prenesti HP OFFICEJET 4350 ALL-IN-ONE navodila.
Lahko si preneseta tudi naslednja navodila, povezana s tem izdelkom:
HP OFFICEJET 4350 ALL-IN-ONE (15476 ko)
Manual Povzetek: navodila za uporabo HP OFFICEJET 4350 ALL-IN-ONEPRIROČNIK ZA NAMESTITEV
Detaljne informacije o uporabi so v uporabniških navodilih.
[. . . ] (ON) alebo vykonajte tlac.
(6) Ovládací panel
Hlavné súcasti
Pouzívajte ho na zmenu nastavení alebo ovládanie zariadenia.
Strana 5 z celkového poctu 1044
Pozrite si cas Ovládací panel.
(7) Výstupný zásobník papiera
Automaticky sa otvorí pri spustení tlace alebo kopírovania a vysunutí vytlaceného papiera.
(8) Vysúvacia cas výstupného zásobníka
Po otvorení podopiera výtlacky. Otvorte ju pri tlaci alebo kopírovaní.
(9) Indikátor Alarm
Svieti alebo bliká na oranzovo, ke sa vyskytne chyba. Napríklad ke sa minie papier alebo atrament.
(10) Indikátor Wi-Fi
V závislosti od stavu bezdrôtovej siete LAN svieti alebo bliká na modro. Svieti: vybratá je moznos Wireless LAN active. [. . . ] Scan/Import Documents or Images Tab
View & Use You can open images saved on a computer and print them or attach them to e-mail. You can also edit them using an application that accompanies the machine. View & Use Images on your Computer Tab
You can complete "from scanning to saving", etc. at one time by simply clicking the corresponding icon. Custom Scan with One-click Tab
(Switch Mode)
Switches to One-click Mode screen. In the One-click Mode screen, you can complete "from scanning to saving", etc. at one time by simply clicking the corresponding icon. One-click Mode Screen
Show this window at startup
Select this checkbox to open the Main Menu at startup. If this checkbox is not selected, the last used screen appears.
The Preferences dialog box opens. In the Preferences dialog box, you can make advanced settings to MP Navigator EX functions. Preferences Dialog Box
Opens this guide.
Navigation Mode Screen
Strana 560 z celkového poctu 1044
Page top
Scan/Import Documents or Images Tab
Strana 561 z celkového poctu 1044
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Scan/ Import Documents or Images Tab
Scan/Import Documents or Images Tab
Select Scan/Import in the Navigation Mode screen to display the Scan/Import Documents or Images tab.
You can scan photos and documents, or import images saved on memory cards.
Auto Scan
Opens the Scan/Import window with Auto Scan selected. If this checkbox is not selected, the last used screen appears.
View Use Images on your Computer Tab
Strana 564 z celkového poctu 1044
The Preferences dialog box opens. In the Preferences dialog box, you can make advanced settings to MP Navigator EX functions. Preferences Dialog Box
Opens this guide.
Related Topic
Opening Images Saved on a Computer
Page top
Custom Scan with One-click Tab
Strana 565 z celkového poctu 1044
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Custom Scan with One-click Tab
Custom Scan with One-click Tab
Select One-click in the Navigation Mode screen to display the Custom Scan with One-click tab. You can complete "from scanning to saving", etc. at one time by simply clicking the corresponding icon.
Auto Scan
Scan documents by automatically detecting the document type. When you click this icon, the Auto Scan dialog box opens and you can specify the save settings. Auto Scan Dialog Box
Save to PC
Scan documents or photos and save them to a computer. The document type can be detected automatically. When you click this icon, the Save dialog box opens and you can specify the scan/save settings. Save Dialog Box (One-click Mode Screen)
Save as PDF file
Scan documents and save them as PDF files. When you click this icon, the PDF dialog box opens and you can specify the scan/save and application settings. [. . . ] Rozlisujú sa pri om veké a malé písmená. Hex Zadajte reazec pozostávajúci z 10 alebo 26 hexadecimálnych císlic (0 9, A F, a f).
Dzka kúca (Key Length)
Dzka kúca WEP. Vyberte moznos 64 bitov alebo 128 bitov. Väcsia dzka kúca umozuje nastavi zlozitejsí kúc WEP.
L Kvalita spojenia (Link Quality)
Stav spojenia medzi prístupovým bodom a tlaciarou bez sumu (rusenia) sa oznacuje hodnotou 0 az 100 %.
Protokol na úrovni prepojenia integrovaný v systéme Windows 7 alebo Windows Vista, ktorý je urcený na zisovanie topológie siete a diagnostiku kvality sluzieb. [. . . ]
Lastmanuals ponuja vsem možnost izmenjave, shranjevanja in iskanja med navodili povezanimi z softverom in hardverom: user guide, ownerćs manual, quick start guide, technical datasheetes… V nobenem primeru ne more biti Lastmanuals odgovoren, če dokument, ki ga iščete, ni dosegljiv, je nedokončan, je v drugem jeziku kot je vaš ali če se model in jezik ne ujemata z opisom. Lastmanuals, na primer ne ponuja prevajalnih storitev.
Kliknite na "Prenos navodil" na koncu te pogodve, če se z njo strinjate in prenos navodil HP OFFICEJET 4350 ALL-IN-ONE se bo začel.