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   HP DESKJET F4200 ALL-IN-ONE (43517 ko)

Manual Povzetek: navodila za uporabo HP DESKJET F4200 ALL-IN-ONEPRIROČNIK ZA NAMESTITEV

Detaljne informacije o uporabi so v uporabniških navodilih.

[. . . ] Utripa: poteka tiskanje ali opticno branje prek brezzicnega omrezja LAN. Utripa tudi ob iskanju dostopne tocke za brezzicno omrezje LAN med nastavitvijo in pri povezovanju z dostopno tocko. (8) Izhodni pladenj za papir Ko se zacne tiskanje ali kopiranje, se samodejno odpre in nanj se izvrzejo natisnjeni listi papirja. (9) Podaljsek izhodnega pladnja Odprite ga za oporo natisnjenih listov papirja. Odprite ga med tiskanjem ali kopiranjem. (10) Steklena plosca Nalozite izvirnik, ki ga zelite kopirati ali opticno prebrati. (11) Kaseta V kaseto nalozite navaden papir velikosti A4, B5, A5 ali Letter in jo nato vstavite v napravo. Hkrati lahko vstavite dva ali vec listov navadnega papirja iste velikosti, ki se nato samodejno podajajo posamezno. Glejte Nalaganje papirja . (12) Vrata za neposredno tiskanje Ce zelite omogociti neposredno tiskanje, prikljucite napravo, zdruzljivo s standardom PictBridge, na primer digitalni fotoaparat ali enoto Bluetooth Unit BU-30*. Glejte Tiskanje fotografij neposredno iz digitalnega fotoaparata ali mobilnega telefona . V ta vrata lahko vstavite tudi pogon USB. Glejte Vstavljanje pogona USB . * Enota Bluetooth v nekaterih drzavah ali regijah ni na voljo, odvisno od lokalnih zakonov in predpisov. [. . . ] Correct/Enhance Images Window Important Image correction/enhancement cannot be applied to PDF files or black and white binary files. Zoom in Enlarges the target image (outlined in orange). You can also enlarge the image by doubleclicking it. You can check all pages when you select a PDF file. You can also check file information such as file name, date, size and security setting. A lock icon appears for PDF files with Document Open Password set. Opening/Editing Password-protected PDF Files (Search) Enter a word or phrase included in the file name, Exif information or PDF text of the image you (Search button). For Exif information, text in Maker, Model, want to search for, then click Description and User Comment is searched. Note Search images in My Box (Scanned/Imported Images), Recently Saved Images or a selected folder and its subfolders. (Refresh) Refreshes the Thumbnail window contents. (Display Size) Changes the size of images in the Thumbnail window. (Sort by) Sorts the images in the Thumbnail window by category, date (ascending or descending) or name (ascending or descending). Images can be sorted by category only when My Box (Scanned/Imported Images) or Specify Folder is displayed. Thumbnail Window Thumbnail Window Scanned images are displayed. When you select the checkbox of an image, the image appears in the Selected Images area. Selecting an image and clicking the file name highlights the file name, allowing you to rename it. Drag and drop an image to do the following things. The selected file appears in Preview. (Enlarge) Enlarges the image displayed in Preview. (Reduce) Reduces the image displayed in Preview. Create/Edit PDF file Window (Full-screen) Stran 540 od 958 strani Enlarges/reduces the image to display it fully in Preview. (Thumbnail Mode) Switches to Thumbnail Mode. Thumbnails of files are displayed. Page top Print Document Dialog Box Stran 541 od 958 strani Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Print Document Dialog Box Print Document Dialog Box Click Print in the View & Use window, then click Print Document on the list to open the Print Document dialog box. In the Print Document dialog box, you can make advanced settings for printing multiple scanned images at one time. Note The setting items in the Print Document dialog box vary by printer. Printer Select the printer to use. Paper Source Select paper source. Page Layout Select a print type. Normal-size Printing Print one image per sheet. Scaled Printing Print images at the selected scale (enlarged or reduced). Fit-to-Page Printing Print an image at the paper size (enlarged or reduced). Borderless Printing Print the image on an entire sheet of paper without margins. Page Layout Printing (2 on 1) Layout and print two images on a sheet of paper. Page Layout Printing (4 on 1) Layout and print four images on a sheet of paper. Auto Duplex Print on both sides of a sheet of paper automatically. Print Document Dialog Box Note Auto Duplex is displayed when Page Layout is Normal-size Printing or Scaled Printing, and available when Media Type is Plain Paper. Staple Side Stran 542 od 958 strani Select a stapling side from the list. Note Staple Side is available when Auto Duplex On is set. Specify Margin. . . Specify the width of the margin (0 mm to 30 mm). Note Specify Margin. . . is available when Auto Duplex On is set. If a page does not fit in one page due to the Specify Margin. . . setting, the document will be reduced for printing. Enlarge/Reduce Enlarge or reduce images to print. (Enlarge/Reduce) Print a reduced or enlarged image by specifying a scale in increments of 1%. Auto Scale is adjusted automatically according to the detected paper width and the selected paper size. Image may be printed rotated 90 degrees depending on its size. Scale Select a scale from the list. Important At normal-size (100%), some images may be printed small or with some portions cropped. In that case, select Auto to resize the print in proportion to the paper size. Paper Size Select the size of paper for printing. Match the size to the size of the paper set in the machine. Note Selectable paper sizes depend on the selected printer. Media Type Select the type of paper for printing. Print quality may be fixed depending on the paper type. Note Selectable paper types depend on the selected printer. Print Quality Select the print quality. Density Click Copies (Density adjustment) to select the print density. Click Grayscale Printing (Copy setting) to select the number of copies to be printed. Select this checkbox to print the document in black and white. Preview before printing Print Document Dialog Box Select this checkbox to display the print result before printing. Defaults Stran 543 od 958 strani Restores the default settings. Print Start printing with the specified settings. Note To cancel while spooling, click Cancel. [. . . ] Sestnajstisko (Hex) Dolocite 10- ali 26-mestni niz, ki lahko vkljucuje sestnajstiske znake (od 0 do 9, od A do F in od a do f). Dolzina kljuca (Key Length) Dolzina kljuca WEP. Pri vecji dolzini kljuca lahko nastavite bolj zapleten kljuc WEP. L Kakovost povezave (Link Quality) Stanje povezave med dostopno tocko in tiskalnikom, brez hrupa (motenj), je prikazano z vrednostjo med 0 in 100 odstotki. LLTD Protokol podatkovne povezave, ki je vgrajen v sistem Windows Vista, je namenjen raziskovanju razporeditve v omrezju in diagnostiki kakovosti storitev. Funkcija Network Map uporablja LLTD za prikaz graficne predstavitve lokalnega omrezja. LPR Protokol tiskanja, ki ni odvisen od racunalniskega okolja in je namenjen uporabi v omrezjih TCP/IP. Ne podpira dvosmerne komunikacije. M Naslov MAC (MAC Address) Imenuje se tudi fizicni naslov. [. . . ]


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