Lastmanuals ponuja vsem možnost izmenjave, shranjevanja in iskanja med navodili povezanimi z softverom in hardverom: user guide, ownerćs manual, quick start guide, technical datasheetes… NE POZABITE : VEDNO PREBERITE UPORABNIŠKA NAVODILA PRED NAKUPOM !!!
Če se ta dokument ujema z navodilom ali shemo ki jo iščete, si ga prenesite zdaj. Lastmanuals vam omogoča hiter in preprost dostop do navodil CANON PIXMA MP620. Upamo da vam bo to CANON PIXMA MP620 navodilo uporabno.
Lastmanuals vam pomaga prenesti CANON PIXMA MP620 navodila.
Manual Povzetek: navodila za uporabo CANON PIXMA MP620
Detaljne informacije o uporabi so v uporabniških navodilih.
[. . . ] MP620 series On-screen Manual
Sayfa 1 / 824 sayfa
Uporaba prirocnika
Tiskanje prirocnika
MC-3150-V1. 00
Osnovna navodila
Povzetek o tem izdelku.
Izpopolnjena navodila
Podroben opis delovanja tega izdelka.
Odpravljanje tezav
MP620 series Osnovna navodila
Sayfa 2 / 824 sayfa
Uporaba tega prirocnika Tiskanje tega prirocnika
MP-2483-V1. 00 Izpopolnjena navodila
Pregled naprave
Glavni deli
Druga raba
Tiskanje papirja za beleznice ali papirja za grafe
Krmarjenje po menijih na zaslonu LCD
Tiskanje fotografij neposredno iz mobilnega telefona ali digitalnega fotoaparata
Nastavitev naprave Meni resitev (Solution Menu) in Moj tiskalnik (My Printer)
Tiskanje iz pomnilniske kartice
Tiskanje fotografij, shranjenih na pomnilniski kartici
Uporaba razlicnih funkcij
Vstavljanje pomnilniske kartice
Nalaganje papirja/izvirnikov
Nalaganje papirja
Nalaganje izvirnikov, ki jih zelite kopirati ali opticno brati.
Tiskanje kopij
Uporaba razlicnih funkcij kopiranja
Rutinsko vzdrzevanje
Zamenjava crnilnega vlozka
Tiskanje fotografij iz natisnjenih fotografij
Vnovicno tiskanje natisnjenih fotografij Uporaba razlicnih funkcij
Ko tiskanje obledi ali ko so barve nepravilne
Ciscenje valja podajalnika papirja
Ciscenje blazinice v kaseti
Opticno branje
Shranjevanje opticno prebranih podatkov
Varnostni ukrepi
Pravne omejitve pri uporabi naprave in slik
Nasveti za uporabo naprave
Tiskanje iz racunalnika
Tiskanje fotografij (z Easy-PhotoPrint EX)
Tiskanje dokumentov (Windows)
Tiskanje dokumentov (Macintosh)
Pregled naprave
Izpopolnjena navodila
Kazalo > Pregled naprave
Sayfa 3 / 824 sayfa
Odpravljanje tezav
Pregled naprave
V tem razdelku so navedena imena delov naprave in osnovni postopki, ki jih morate poznati pred zacetkom uporabe.
Glavni deli
Pogled od spredaj Pogled od zadaj Pogled na notranjost Nadzorna plosca
Krmarjenje po menijih na zaslonu LCD
Izbira menijev na zaslonu ZACETEK Izbira elementov nastavitve Drugi postopki
Vrh strani
Glavni deli
Izpopolnjena navodila
Kazalo > Pregled naprave > Glavni deli
Sayfa 4 / 824 sayfa
Odpravljanje tezav
Glavni deli
Pogled od spredaj
(1) Pokrov za dokumente
Odprite pri polaganju izvirnika na stekleno plosco.
(2) Nadzorna plosca
Uporabite jo, ko zelite spremeniti nastavitve ali upravljati napravo.
Glejte Nadzorna plosca.
(3) Zaslon LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
Prikaze sporocila, izbore menijev in stanje opravil. Na zaslonu LCD si lahko tudi ogledate fotografije, preden jih natisnete.
Ce naprava priblizno pet minut ne deluje, se bo zaslon LCD ugasnil. Ce zelite, da se zaslon znova vkljuci, pritisnite katerikoli gumb, razen gumba ON (VKLOP), ali pa zacnite s tiskanjem.
(4) Opora za papir
Dvignite ga in nagnite nazaj, da nalozite papir v zadnji pladenj.
(5) Vodila za papir
Premaknite za poravnavo z obema stranema sveznja papirja.
(6) Zadnji pladenj
Nalozite razlicne velikosti ali vrste papirja, primerne za uporabo z napravo. Hkrati lahko vstavite vec listov iste velikosti in vrste papirja, ki se potem podajajo posamezno.
Glejte Nalaganje papirja.
(7) Pokrov reze za pomnilnisko kartico
Odprite ga, ce zelite vstaviti pomnilnisko kartico.
Glejte Vstavljanje pomnilniske kartice .
(8) Vrata za neposredno tiskanje
Glavni deli
Ko tiskate neposredno, prikljucite napravo, zdruzljivo s standardom PictBridge, na primer digitalni fotoaparat ali Bluetooth Unit BU-30*.
Glejte Tiskanje fotografij neposredno iz mobilnega telefona ali digitalnega fotoaparata .
Sayfa 5 / 824 sayfa
V ta vrata lahko vstavite tudi pomnilniski kljucek USB in nanj shranite opticno prebrane podatke.
Glejte Shranjevanje opticno prebranih podatkov .
* Enota Bluetooth v nekaterih drzavah ali regijah ni na voljo, odvisno od lokalnih zakonov in predpisov. [. . . ] Match the size to the size of the paper set in the machine.
Media Type
Select the type of paper for printing. Print quality may be fixed depending on the paper type.
Page Layout
Select a print type.
Normal-size Printing
Print one image per sheet.
Fit-to-Page Printing
Print an image at the paper size (enlarged or reduced).
Borderless Printing
Select this checkbox to print the image on an entire sheet of paper without margins.
Page Layout setting will be disabled when you select Borderless Printing. This setting is only available with printers that support borderless printing.
Print Photo Dialog Box
Specify the print orientation.
Sayfa 462 / 824 sayfa
This setting is available only when Page Layout is Normal-size Printing. For others, the image is automatically rotated according to the aspect ratio of the paper.
Specify the number of copies to print.
Vivid Photo
Select this checkbox to print the image in vivid colors.
Preview before printing
Select this checkbox to display the print result before printing.
Start printing.
Only the images in the Thumbnail window with the checkbox selected are printed.
Closes the dialog box without printing the photo.
Page top
Send via E-mail Dialog Box
Sayfa 463 / 824 sayfa
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Send via
E-mail Dialog Box
Send via E-mail Dialog Box
Click Send in the View & Use window, then click Attach to E-mail on the list to open the Send via E-mail dialog box.
In the Send via E-mail dialog box, you can make advanced settings for attaching images to e-mail.
MP Navigator EX is compatible with the following e-mail software programs: - Windows Mail (Windows Vista) - Outlook Express (Windows XP/Windows 2000) - Microsoft Outlook - EUDORA - Netscape Mail (If an e-mail software program does not operate properly, check that the program's MAPI is enabled. To enable MAPI, refer to the manual of the e-mail software program. )
Mail Program
The e-mail software program set up via Preferences in the Navigation Mode screen is displayed. Select the e-mail software program you want to use.
Adjust attachment file size
When Save as type is JPEG, selecting this checkbox allows you to resize the images. Select a size from Size.
Save in
Displays the folder in which to save the images. If resized, the resized images are saved. The following folders are specified by default. Windows Vista: MP Navigator EX folder in Picture folder Windows XP: MP Navigator EX folder in My Pictures folder Windows 2000: MP Navigator EX folder in My Pictures folder
File name
Enter the file name of the image to be attached (up to 32 characters). When saving multiple files, 4 digits are appended to each file name.
Set. . .
You can specify a compression type for JPEG files. Select High(Low Compression), Standard or Low(High Compression).
Page top
Correct/Enhance Images Window
Sayfa 464 / 824 sayfa
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Correct/ Enhance Images Window
Correct/Enhance Images Window
(Image Correction/Enhancement) in the View & Use window or click Fix photo images in the Click Task Button area to open the Correct/Enhance Images window. In the Correct/Enhance Images window, you can make advanced settings including image correction/ enhancement and brightness/contrast adjustment.
You can also display the source image and corrected image side by side for comparison.
Image correction/enhancement cannot be applied to PDF files or black and white binary files.
The Correct/Enhance Images window can also be opened by clicking Enhancement) on the Toolbar or in the Zoom in dialog box. It may take a while to correct large images.
(Image Correction/
(1) Task Area
(2) Toolbar
Task Area
Available tasks and settings vary between the Auto and Manual tabs. Click Auto or Manual to open the corresponding tab.
Auto Tab
Use the functions in the Auto tab to apply corrections and enhancements to the entire image.
See "Correcting/Enhancing Images Automatically " for details.
Correct/Enhance Images Window
Sayfa 465 / 824 sayfa
Auto Photo Fix
Applies automatic corrections suitable for photos.
Face Sharpener
Sharpens out-of-focus faces. You can adjust the effect level using the slider.
Digital Face Smoothing
Enhances skin beautifully by removing blemishes and wrinkles. You can adjust the effect level using the slider.
Apply to all images
Applies the correction to all images.
Applies the selected effect to the selected image or all images.
Reset Selected Image
Cancels all corrections and enhancements applied to the selected image.
Save Selected Image
Saves the selected image.
Save All Corrected Images
Saves all the corrected images displayed in the thumbnail list.
Close the Correct/Enhance Images window.
Manual Tab
Use Adjust to adjust brightness and contrast, or to sharpen the entire image. Use Correct/Enhance to correct/enhance specific areas.
See "Correcting/Enhancing Images Manually " for details.
Correct/Enhance Images Window
Sayfa 466 / 824 sayfa
Adjusts the overall image brightness. Move the slider to the left to darken and right to brighten the image.
Adjusts the contrast of the image. Adjust the contrast when the image is flat due to lack of contrast. Move the slider to the left to decrease and right to increase the contrast of the image.
Emphasizes the outline of the subjects to sharpen the image. Adjust the sharpness when the photo is out of focus or text is blurred. [. . . ] IPv4 uporablja 32-bitne naslove, IPv6 pa 128-bitne naslove.
Oblika kljuca (Key Format)
Izberite ASCII ali Hex kot obliko kljuca WEP. Znak, ki ga lahko uporabite za kljuc WEP, je razlicen glede na izbrane oblike kljuca.
ASCII Dolocite z nizom 5 ali 13 znakov, ki lahko vsebuje alfanumericne znake in podcrtaje
O tehnicnih izrazih
»_«. Razlikuje med malimi in velikimi crkami. Hex Dolocite 10- ali 26-mestni niz, ki lahko vsebuje sestnajstiske znake (0 do 9, A do F in a do f).
Sayfa 822 / 824 sayfa
ID kljuca (Key ID)
Ce je na dostopni tocki nastavljeno vec sifrirnih kljucev, izberite stevilo kljuca (kazalo) od 1 do 4, ki se uporablja za prenos iz dostopne tocke.
Dolzina kljuca (Key Length)
Dolzina kljuca WEP. [. . . ]
Lastmanuals ponuja vsem možnost izmenjave, shranjevanja in iskanja med navodili povezanimi z softverom in hardverom: user guide, ownerćs manual, quick start guide, technical datasheetes… V nobenem primeru ne more biti Lastmanuals odgovoren, če dokument, ki ga iščete, ni dosegljiv, je nedokončan, je v drugem jeziku kot je vaš ali če se model in jezik ne ujemata z opisom. Lastmanuals, na primer ne ponuja prevajalnih storitev.
Kliknite na "Prenos navodil" na koncu te pogodve, če se z njo strinjate in prenos navodil CANON PIXMA MP620 se bo začel.